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In Building Blocks, Business Model, Decision-Making, Economics, Innovation, Planning, Problem-Solving, Program Launch on November 26, 2012 at 4:00 am

America 2029

Imagine looking down on earth and seeing all these building blocks waiting to be assembled.  Most people on earth don’t recognize these building blocks for the future, just lying around.  However, from up above you can see the building blocks and the people navigating around them, as if they were obstacles.  Memes look like jargon to keep insiders in and outsiders out.  A proliferation of protocols and standards is complicating what was once a simple world.   Opposing viewpoints look like gridlock instead of synergy.

The people on earth just keep going further and further out of the way to avoid these obstacles.  Life just keeps getting harder, as a growing number of building blocks continue to clutter the landscape.

What if—operating from hyperspace, above the earth—you could manipulate these massive obstacles with ease, as if moving them around with a giant crane? What if you knew exactly what you were building on earth, even though the inhabitants of earth were still unaware of this future that you were building?

What if you could describe this future that you are building to all the inhabitants of earth? What if this future was so fantastic that everybody wanted to be a part of it, as long as it came with certain guaranties? What if you could tell them what you were building, step by step, so that they could live inside this structure, as you are building it?

If you could…, then you would have America 2029!

Building Block #6: Edutainment

In Building Blocks, Business Model, Education, Edutainment, Entertainment, Program Launch on November 20, 2012 at 1:28 am

America 2029

Our nation has been driven by television, radio, and print advertisements for so long that the thought of changing the business model is staggering.  Many businesses are scrambling to find out what works, experimenting with a variety of Internet advertising tools, reinventing television advertising, using the latest computer graphics tools, designing elaborate product placement campaigns, and so on.  The long-term answer is edutainment.

Americans are tired of being lied to in ads.  Americans are learning to shop the Internet to find quality and value.  Advertising simply doesn’t work anymore, and clever marketing programs aren’t doing much better.

Companies must learn to find ways to entertain their customers while offering genuine educational—and marketing—value.

Americans are growing up.  Tech-savvy Millennials are literally growing up—and with them, their needs and wants.  At the same time, all Americans are craving more intellectually interactive content, and for now reality programs and occasional docudramas are all we have.

Advertising was the 20th century.  Edutainment is the 21st century.

Building Block #5: Cooperative Game Theory

In Building Blocks, Business Model, Competition, Cooperation, Decision-Making, Money, Software, Supply Network / Purchasing, Technology on November 13, 2012 at 2:20 am

America 2029

Both because of global effects and because of the Fast Money business model, over the course of the next couple decades, things will be happening so fast that humans won’t be able to keep track of them.  How do you know that you are winning or losing at this new game?

Sophisticated Game Theory software will drive your computer to make certain that businesses are playing by your rules, and not the other way around.  You will set up rules in your favor, and businesses will compete according to your rules.

These strategies will be used defensively, so that individuals can protect their personal interests.  In this sense, the Game Theory is being used cooperatively.  This is distinguished from the competitive forms of Game Theory, where companies try to put each other out of business by getting the upper hand.

Inevitably, the SEC, the FTC, and other regulatory agencies will feel the need to step in with additional requirements for businesses, in order to protect everyone from fraud.  Ideally they can do so using the safeguards built into the Game Theory software.  Nevertheless, the creation of regulations actually generates more jobs, as everyone figures out how to work through the federal requirements to make money even faster.

Game Theory is so complex that you need to be a mathematical whiz to compute the equations.  Nevertheless, even laypeople can understand the basic strategies, and instruct their computers to adopt specific ones.  The computers will handle the rest.

Building Block #4: Fast Money

In Building Blocks, Business Model, Economics, Money, Program Launch on November 6, 2012 at 4:26 am

America 2029

Only a small percentage of people in this world fully appreciate how money is “made” on the stock market.  As much as we hate the rollercoaster ride, the stock market as we know it would not exist if it weren’t for the ups and downs.  That’s because the people who make the serious money (including, to some degree, large institutions that invest your 401(k) money) know how to make money on the ups and the downs.

Here’s the problem: If the “big guys” are making money on every up and down, but the stock market is mostly going sideways, that means that the rest of us are having a difficult time not losing money.  If someone “makes” money as the market goes up and then sells, the person who buys those shares will lose money when the market goes down.  I keep quoting the word “makes” since no money is really being made.  When a company’s earnings are flat and stock experts “take profits,” everybody else loses.

The economics of business would totally change if businesses all adopted a new business model to “guarantee” their results.  The entire investment world would stabilize and most people would be happy that they were now virtually guaranteed gains of 10-20% or more per year.  The only people who would be unhappy were those who make their fortunes on the rollercoaster ride, since the ride would now be relatively boring.  Although there would still be market risk, the stock market would start to behave more like the bond market.

The problem, of course, is that those who currently profit from the system would not permit the existence of an alternative system, if they thought that they would lose money because of it.  They would expose this new business model as a “fraud” and bury it before it ever took hold.

However, they would gladly adopt this new business model if they made more money, right?

The secret to this new business model, which is already being tested through an innovative website that you may have heard of, would operate under the principle of fast money.  You make more money the faster the money changes hands.

Milton Friedman’s equation of exchange clearly established that people are wealthier when money moves faster.  By moving money faster and decreasing risk, everyone—both the very wealthy and the rest of us—will have more wealth than before.

As a positive side effect, the need to print additional money would be removed.  Again, this is due to Friedman’s equation.  This will benefit everyone except for serious precious metals investors, who benefit from the devaluation of the dollar.

America 2029 will need several visible spokespeople to convince pioneering companies to use the new model, since many old “rules” and “laws” of economics will now be broken.  However, after initial trials, the model will rapidly gain acceptance.  Is your company ready to explore this new business model and profit now, instead of waiting until later?

Remember: America 2029 is all about defining the future.  We know that the laws of economics are changing all around us due to the ever-increasing global nature of the economy.  America 2029 seeks to restore stability to an increasingly unstable system.